Thursday, 27 November 2014

Moutabal - Roasted eggplant dip

Back from a recent trip to Oman, I would go back there anyday just for the food! I lost count of the number of times that I ate hummus and finally decided to try this dip on the last evening there. Served with absolutely divine Turkish bread, this was as good as hummus- and so easy to make. I read up on a few websites and found that this is different from the Lebanese Baba-ghanoush as that is also made of roasted eggplants but uses chopped onion/tomato etc..

Ingredients (makes 1 medium bowl)

2 medium brinjals/eggplants ( do not take big or overripe ones)
1/2 cup roasted white sesame seeds
3 garlic cloves
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon vinegar
Salt to taste
3 tablespoons olive
Chilli/paprika powder (to garnish)
Extra olive oil (optional,to garnish)

1. Soak the sesame seeds in 1/4 cup water for about 2 hours.
2. Lightly grease the eggplants (you need the round fat dark purple ones) and roast over a medium direct gas flame till the skin is charred all over. Roast on one side and then turn to the other side to roast. When roasted from all sides, leave on a plate to cool
3. Grind the sesame and water into a thick smooth paste.
4. Peel the eggplants with your hands. Do NOT run under water to peel, if the skin is tough to remove then wet your hands slightly and peel off the skin
5. Blend the peeled eggplants with all other ingredients in a food processor (if you want a chunky textured dip) or in a grinder for a smoother texture.
6. Serve this dip cold with pita bread/crackers

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