Thursday, 21 March 2013

Dunkin Donuts

What's not to love about these feasts for the eyes and the tongue...age no bar! I have earlier been making eggless ones with yeast but have always found them cumbersome to make! Came across this super easy recipe from, tweaked it slightly and voila ! a gorgeous finished product.
I made a chocolate glaze as these were for a kiddies' treat, but just dust them with plain sugar or use your favourite jam as a glaze or even nutella... a world of options!

Ingredients (makes 8 medium sized)

1 and 1/2 cups flour
1/3 cup powdered sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
30 ml milk
1 and 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
pinch salt
2 tablespoons butter
Oil to fry

For the glaze
1 and 1/2 cups icing sugar
3 tablespoons cocoa
2-3 tablespoons milk

1. Sift the flour,baking powder and the salt together
2. Add the butter to lukewarm milk
3. Beat the egg with sugar till pale yellow in colour.
4. Beat in the vanilla essence.
5. Alternately beat in the flour mixture and the milk mixture in two portions each, the dough will come together and become tougher to beat! So you can eventually mix the ingredients with your hands till you get a soft and smooth dough, will be sticky though (see pic below)
6. Cover and leave for half an hour.
7. Dust your hands with flour and take out the dough and roll on a floured surface with a rolling pin till about 1/4 inch thick .
8. Cut out the doughnuts with a doughnut cutter or two cookie cutters of different sizes. Re-roll the scraps and cut out the shapes again.
9. Heat oil in a kadhai or any thick bottomed pan. Not too much oil is needed . Do not overheat the oil, to test drop in a piece of the dough and see that it does not brown immediately. If it does, turn off the gas for a minute or two and re-start on slow flame .
10. Fry the doughnuts one at a time , turning over each side so that it is uniformly browned all over. Remove when the colour is short of a deep brown, but keep the flame slow at all times.
11. For the glaze mix all the ingredients in a double boiler till you get a smooth glaze (I added a small dairy milk bar while heating the glaze)
12. Dip the doughnuts while still warm in the glaze and top with your favourite sprinkles.

Serve fresh!

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