Sunday, 25 September 2011

Minty Peas Poha

The greatest gift from Maharashtra to the world in my opinion is Poha :) find me a soul who doesn't love this simple yet wholesome dish . I remember a trip to Shirdi a few years back where we diverted (read got lost) from our usual route and ended up passing through a small town that I refer to as Poha town (if someone knows the actual name,please tell me). Vendor after vendor, selling cartloads of poha!! My husband in a hurry to find our way back had to be arm twisted to stop the car and get me some to eat and more packed for later...I always miss great food from an earlier meal  and wonder why I dint eat more then :)
This is my variation to usual onion/potato variety..the freshness of the mint and the peas gives it a great twist...


1 cup poha
1 cup boiled peas
1/2 cup mint leaves, lightly chopped
1 onion, finely chopped
2 tablespoons crushed peanuts
1 green chilli, finely chopped
1 teaspoon mustard seeds (rai)
Pinch of heeng
1 teaspoon sugar
1 lemon
1/2 teaspoon crushed garlic
2 tablespoons oil
1/4 teaspoon haldi

1. Wash the poha in a strainer and leave to drain.
2. Heat oil. Add heeng and rai seeds. When spluttering , add green chillies and cook for few seconds.
3. Add onion and cook till soft. Then add the garlic and cook for few seconds (don't add garlic earlier as the flavour should not be of burnt garlic)
4. Add the haldi, salt, crushed peanuts, mint leaves, salt and toss with the poha.
5. Add the sugar and juice of one lemon and mix.
6. Serve with sev and sliced lemon .

Warm and happy start to any day :))

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